Custom input
Instead of binding all the events in the native input, it is best to create a wrapper around an input which handles all the bindings. Here is a custom input which shows the error if the user has focused and blurred the input.
In this example your v-model, blur and errors automatically get bound by using v-bind on a Field. This is a very basic example as a starting point.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ZodFormattedError } from 'zod'
import { computed } from 'vue'
interface InputFormProps<T extends InputType> extends Omit<InputProps<T>, 'isInvalid'> {
* The error messages associated with the component, if any.
* It should be an object with an "_errors" property containing an array of strings.
errors?: ZodFormattedError<string> | null | undefined
* Determines if the component has emitted a `blur` event.
isTouched: boolean
const {
isTouched = false,
errors = { _errors: [] },
} = defineProps<Props>()
const emits = defineEmits<{
blur: []
const model = defineModel<string | number | null>({
required: true,
const errorShown = computed(() => errors._errors.length > 0 && (isTouched))
<p v-if="errorShown">
{{ errors._errors[0] }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useForm } from 'formango'
import { z } from 'zod'
// Create a schema
const exampleForm = z.object({
name: z.string().min(1),
email: z.string().email(),
// Parse the schema to `useForm` along with a function to handle the submit.
// Optionally, you can also pass an object to prepare the form.
const { form, onSubmitForm } = useForm({
schema: exampleForm,
initialState: {
name: 'Foo',
email: '',
onSubmitForm((values) => {
/* Values type is inferred from the schema, hande your submit logic here.
Will only get here if the form is fully valid.
email: string
name: string
// Now you can register fields on the form, which are fully typed.
// These fields will handle the actual data-binding
const name = form.register('name')
const email = form.register('email')
<CustomInput v-bind="name" />
<CustomInput v-bind="email" />
<button @click="form.submit">