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Initializes a form from a Zod schema and returns a form object and a onSubmitForm callback function.

Form object

errorsZodFormattedErrorCurrent errors on the form, refer to Zod
hasAttemptedToSubmitBooleanBoolean indicating if the form has been submitted.
isDirtyBooleanBoolean indicating if the form is currently dirty (does not get set if you enter initial values in the form)
isSubmittingBooleanBoolean indicating if the form is currently submitting
isValidBooleanBoolean indicating if the form is currently valid
registerFunctionRegister function to register a field, default value is optional. E.g: form.register('email', 'default email')
registerArrayFunctionRegister function to register an array field. E.g: form.registerArray('emails')
unregisterFunctionUnregister function to unregister a field. E.g: form.unregister('email')
addErrorsFunctionManually set errors on fields.
setValuesFunctionManually set values on fields.
stateObjectCurrent state of the form
submitFunctionSubmit function to submit the form, which triggers the onSubmitForm callback if it is valid

Usage Advanced

import { z } from 'zod'
import { useForm } from 'formango'

const exampleSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(3).max(255),
  email: z.string().email(),
  password: z.string().min(8).max(255),
  emails: z.array(z.string().email()),

const {
} = useForm(
    schema: exampleSchema,
    initialData: {
      email: '',
      password: '',
      name: 'Robbe',
      emails: [],

onSubmitForm((values) => {
  /* Values type is inferred from the schema
    email: string
    password: string
    name: string
    emails: string[]

const email = form.register('email', 'default email')
const emails = form.registerArray('emails')
onUnmounted(() => {

// Manually set errors on fields, for example if you get errors from your backend
  email: {
    _errors: ['Invalid email'],

// Manually set values on fields
  email: '',
  password: '',
  name: 'Robbe',
  emails: ['']

/* Current state of the form
    email: string
    password: string
    name: string
    emails: string[]

// Triggers onSubmitForm callback if form is valid

Type definitions

interface UseFormReturnType<TSchema extends z.ZodType> {
   * Called when the form is valid and submitted.
   * @param data The current form data.
  onSubmitForm: (cb: (data: z.infer<TSchema>) => void) => void
   * The form instance itself.
  form: Form<TSchema>
interface UseFormOptions<TSchema extends z.ZodType> {
   * Zod schema to be parsed
  schema: TSchema
   * Initial state that infers the type from the Zod schema
  initialState?: z.infer<TSchema>
interface Form<T extends z.ZodType> {
   * The current state of the form.
  state: Readonly<DeepPartial<z.infer<T>>>
   * The collection of all registered fields' errors.
  errors: z.ZodFormattedError<z.infer<T>>
   * Indicates whether the form is dirty or not.
   * A form is considered dirty if any of its fields have been changed.
  isDirty: boolean
   * Indicates whether the form is currently submitting or not.
  isSubmitting: boolean
   * Indicates whether the form has been attempted to submit.
  hasAttemptedToSubmit: boolean
   * Indicates whether the form is currently valid or not.
   * A form is considered valid if all of its fields are valid.
  isValid: boolean
   * Registers a new form field.
   * @returns A `Field` instance that can be used to interact with the field.
  register: Register<T>
   * Registers a new form field array.
   * @returns A `FieldArray` instance that can be used to interact with the field array.
  registerArray: RegisterArray<T>
   * Unregisters a previously registered field.
   * @param path The path of the field to unregister.
  unregister: Unregister<T>
   * Sets errors in the form.
   * @param errors The new errors for the form fields.
  addErrors: (errors: DeepPartial<z.ZodFormattedError<z.infer<T>>>) => void
   * Sets values in the form.
   * @param values The new values for the form fields.
  setValues: (values: DeepPartial<z.infer<T>>) => void
   * Submits the form.
   * @returns A promise that resolves once the form has been successfully submitted.
  submit: () => Promise<void>
// Returns a Field, read the Field API documentation for more info
export type Register<TSchema extends z.ZodType> = <
  TPath extends FieldPath<z.infer<TSchema>>,
  TValue extends FieldPathValue<z.infer<TSchema>, TPath>,
  TDefaultValue extends FieldPathValue<z.infer<TSchema>, TPath> | undefined,
>(field: TPath, defaultValue?: TDefaultValue) => Field<TValue, TDefaultValue>
// Returns a FieldArray, read the FieldArray API documentation for more info
export type RegisterArray<TSchema extends z.ZodType> = <
  TPath extends FieldPath<z.infer<TSchema>>,
  TValue extends FieldPathValue<z.infer<TSchema>, TPath>,
  TDefaultValue extends FieldPathValue<z.infer<TSchema>, TPath> | undefined,
>(field: TPath, defaultValue?: TDefaultValue) => FieldArray<TValue>
export type Unregister<T extends z.ZodType> = <
  P extends FieldPath<z.infer<T>>,
>(field: P) => void


Source - Types