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Array field

Array field that gets returned when you register an array with the registerArray function.

Usage Default

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useForm } from 'formango'

import { arrayFormSchema } from './example.model'
import ExampleArrayField from './ExampleArrayField.vue'

const { form } = useForm({
  schema: arrayFormSchema,

const emails = form.registerArray('emails')

function onRemoveEmail(index: number): void {

function onAddEmail(): void {

      v-for="(emailField, key) in emails.fields"
    <button @click="onAddEmail()">
      Add email
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FieldArray } from 'formango'

import type { Email } from './example.model'

interface Props {
  emails: FieldArray<Email[]>
  index: number

const { emails, index } = defineProps<Props>()
const emits = defineEmits<{
  removeField: []

const email = emails.register(`${index}`)

    <label for="email">{{ index }}</label>
    <button @click="emits('removeField')">
    <CustomInput v-bind="email" />
import { z } from 'zod'

export const emailSchema = z.string().email()
export const arrayFormSchema = z.object({
  emails: z.array(emailSchema),

export type ArrayForm = z.infer<typeof arrayFormSchema>
export type Email = z.infer<typeof emailSchema>

Array field object

fieldsFunctionArray of unique indexes which should be used in a v-for to render all the fields
appendFunctionAdds a field to the end of the array
prependFunctionAdds a field to the start of the array
insertFunctionAdds a field to the a specified location of the array
popFunctionRemoves the last field of the array
removeFunctionRemoves a field of the array at a specified position
shiftFunctionRemoves the first field of the array
moveFunctionSwaps the position of two elements of the array
emptyFunctionEmpties the array
errorsObjectCurrent errors on the array
isDirtyBooleanBoolean indicating if the array is currently dirty
isValidBooleanBoolean indicating if the array is currently valid
modelValueTThe value of the array
setValueFunctionSets the value of the array
registerFunctionFunction to register any fields under this field

Type definitions

 * Represents a form field array.
 * @typeparam T The type of the form schema.
interface FieldArray<TValue extends any[]> {
   * The current path of the field. This can change if fields are unregistered.
  _path: string
   * The unique id of the field.
  _id: string
   * The current value of the field.
  modelValue: TValue
   * Array of unique ids of the fields.
  fields: string[]
   * The errors associated with the field and its children.
  errors: z.ZodFormattedError<TValue> | undefined
   * Indicates whether the field has any errors.
  isValid: boolean
   * Indicates whether the field value is different from its initial value.
  isDirty: boolean
   * Insert a new field at the given index.
   * @param index The index of the field to insert.
  insert: (index: number, value?: ArrayElement<TValue>) => void
   * Remove a field at the given index.
   * @param index The index of the field to remove.
  remove: (index: number) => void
   * Add a new field at the beginning of the array.
  prepend: (value?: ArrayElement<TValue>) => void
   * Add a new field at the end of the array.
  append: (value?: ArrayElement<TValue>) => void
   * Remove the last field of the array.
  pop: () => void
   * Remove the first field of the array.
  shift: () => void
   * Move a field from one index to another.
  move: (from: number, to: number) => void
   * Empty the array.
  empty: () => void
   * Set the current value of the field.
  setValue: (value: TValue) => void

  register: <
    TChildPath extends TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldPath<TValue> : never,
    TChildDefaultValue extends TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldPathValue<TValue, TChildPath> | undefined : never,
    path: TChildPath,
    defaultValue?: TChildDefaultValue
  ) => TValue extends FieldValues ? Field<FieldPathValue<TValue, TChildPath>, any> : never

  registerArray: <TPath extends TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldPath<TValue> : never>(
    path: TPath
  ) => TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldArray<FieldPathValue<TValue, TPath>> : never


Source - Types