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Field that gets returned from the register field function from the form object. Ideally you build a custom input field which handles all the bindings of the field, so you can just v-bind the entire object.

Usage Default

// Registers and returns a field
const name = form.register('name', 'default name')
const email = form.register('email')
  <CustomInput v-bind="field" />
  <CustomInput v-bind="email" />

Example input

Visit the best practice page to view an example of a custom input consuming the Field API.

Field object

errorsObjectCurrent errors on the field
isChangedBooleanBoolean indicating if the value of the field in changed.
isDirtyBooleanBoolean indicating if the field is currently dirty
isTouchedBooleanBoolean indicating if the field is touched
isValidBooleanBoolean indicating if the field is currently valid
modelValueTThe value of the field, used to bind v-model
onBlurFunctionHandles the onBlur event, used to bind the event
onChangeFunctionHandles the onChange event, used to bind the event
onUpdate:modelValueFunctionHandles the updating of modelValue event, used to bind v-model
setValueFunctionSets modelValue manually
registerFunctionFunction to register any fields under this field

Type definitions

 * Represents a form field.
 * @typeparam TValue The type of the field value.
 * @typeparam TDefaultValue The type of the field default value.
interface Field<TValue, TDefaultValue = undefined> {
   * The current path of the field. This can change if fields are unregistered.
  _path: string
   * The unique id of the field.
  _id: string
   * The current value of the field.
  modelValue: TDefaultValue extends undefined ? TValue | null : TValue
   * The errors associated with the field and its children.
  errors: z.ZodFormattedError<TValue> | undefined
   * Indicates whether the field has any errors.
  isValid: boolean
   * Indicates whether the field has been touched (blurred).
  isTouched: boolean
   * Indicates whether the field has been changed.
   * This flag will remain `true` even if the field value is set back to its initial value.
  isChanged: boolean
   * Indicates whether the field value is different from its initial value.
  isDirty: boolean
   * Updates the current value of the field.
   * @param value The new value of the field.
  'onUpdate:modelValue': (value: TValue) => void
   * Sets the current value of the field.
   * This is an alias of `onUpdate:modelValue`.
   * @param value The new value of the field.
  'setValue': (value: TDefaultValue extends undefined ? TValue | null : TValue) => void
   * Called when the field input is blurred.
  onBlur: () => void
   * Called when the field input value is changed.
  onChange: () => void

   * Register any field that is a child of this field.
  register: <
    TChildPath extends TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldPath<TValue> : never,
    TChildDefaultValue extends TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldPathValue<TValue, TChildPath> | undefined : never,
    path: TChildPath,
    defaultValue?: TChildDefaultValue
  ) => TValue extends FieldValues ? Field<FieldPathValue<TValue, TChildPath>, any> : never

   * Register any array that is a child of this field.
  registerArray: <TPath extends TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldPath<TValue> : never>(
    path: TPath
  ) => TValue extends FieldValues ? FieldArray<FieldPathValue<TValue, TPath>> : never


Source - Types