Hello fellow developer! Welcome to Wisemen, we are happy to have you on board! We want to make sure you are soon up to speed with the core of Android development and our way of working. Therefore we created this awesome series of CodeLabs for you. These are a constant work in progress, so please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions! This is what you will learn in this CodeLab:
We have our own Android Core Library that we use in all our projects. This library contains a lot of useful classes and functions that we use in all our projects.
We have a specific folder structure that we use in all our projects. This is to make sure that we can easily find all the files we need.
You will be creating a simple To-Do app. This app will have a few features that are written out in Jira.
We are currently in a transition phase from XML to Jetpack Compose. Therefore we will be using Jetpack Compose for this app. Jetpack Compose is a new way of writing UI for Android apps in a more declarative way. You can find more information about Jetpack Compose here. Our Legacy projects are still written in XML, but as time comes you'll get to learn that as well! Our new projects are written in Jetpack Compose, therefore we will be using that for this Wiselab.
Before we start, make sure you have everything you need to complete this WiseLab. You will need:
Download the IDE here if you don't have it already! Android Studio
Our designers work with Figma. You can download it here:
To access the designs you need to log in with your Wisemen account:
ToDo: Add link to Jira
Open Android Studio and create a new Compose project. You can name it Wiselab_Android_«Name».
Make sure your package name is: **com.wiselab.wiselab_android_«name»**
You can find the link to your repo on your personal Confluence page.
We recommend to use a GIT GUI like SourceTree or Fork. As backup we will show you how to work with the terminal. If you prefer to work with the IDE, you can find the instructions here.
git init
git remote add origin <your repo url>
From here on you can choose to use the terminal or the IDE to work with Git.
We use the Gitflow branching strategy. You can find more information about this strategy here.
Make sure you have created all 4 ‘standard' branches. You can do this by either using the terminal, IDE or a GUI tool like SourceTree or Fork.
Now checkout the develop branch and create a new feature branch called feature/setup-project.
Now that you have created your project, it's time to add our Android Core Library! This library contains a lot of useful classes and functions that we use in all our projects. The latest version is also noted in the readme.
plugins {
// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.android.application/com.android.application.gradle.plugin?repo=google
id("com.android.application") version "<<version>>" apply false
// https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/org.jetbrains.kotlin.android
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.android") version "<<version>>" apply false
id("com.google.devtools.ksp") version "<<version>>" apply false
repositories {
plugins {
//Appwise core dependencies
//Koin for dependency injection
//Compose navigation
Now you can sync your project and you're ready to go! 🚀 If you have any more questions about the Android Core Library, you can find more information on the link above.
Don't forget to push these changes to your feature/setup-project branch with a clear commit message.
It's time to set some last few things before we can start coding!
In case you forgot: Figma wireframes
Let's start by creating the App class. This is the first class that is called when the app starts. We will use this class to set up our dependency injection and navigation in the future. Create a new class in the main package called App and add the following code:
class App : Application() {
companion object {
lateinit var instance: App
private set
fun isProxymanEnabled() = BuildConfig.DEBUG && BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE != "release"
override fun onCreate() {
instance = this
Let's explain this bit of code. The App class extends the Application class. This is the first class that is called when the app starts. We use the companion object to create a singleton of the App class. This way we can access the App class from anywhere in the app. We also use this class to check if we are in debug mode and if we are not in release mode. This is used to enable the Proxyman interceptor for debugging purposes. The instance of the App class is set in the onCreate function.
.apply {
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
.initializeLogger(getString(R.string.app_name), BuildConfig.DEBUG)
This code initializes the Android Core Library. We also initialize the error activity and the logger. The logger is used to log messages to the console. The error activity is used to show errors in the app. This is only enabled in debug mode.
Koin is our dependency injection library. We use this library to inject our viewmodels and repositories in our composables. This way we can easily test our code.
Create a new package called com.wiselab.«name».data.di. This is where we will put all our dependency injection related classes.
val appModule = module { }
Here we create a module that will be used to inject our dependencies. We create a single instance of our database here.
startKoin {
//this is so when you want to inject app context this determines where to get it
Here we initialize Koin and add the appModule we created earlier.
fun AppTheme(
content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
val colors = LightColorScheme
colorScheme = colors,
content = content
object TextStyles {
val headlineLarge = TextStyle(
fontSize = 34.sp,
fontWeight = FontWeight.W700,
lineHeight = 41.sp,
letterSpacing = 0.37.sp
package com.wiselab.onboarding_compose.ui.theme
import androidx.compose.material3.MaterialTheme
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReadOnlyComposable
import androidx.compose.runtime.compositionLocalOf
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
object Spacing {
val default: Dp = 0.dp
val extraSmall: Dp = 4.dp
val small: Dp = 8.dp
val medium: Dp = 16.dp
val large: Dp = 24.dp
val extraLarge: Dp = 40.dp
val huge: Dp = 64.dp
If you don't have a virtual or physical device, you can create one by following these steps: 📱
Physical device
Virtual device
In the MainActivity.kt file, click on the Preview button next to the GreetingPreview function. This will open a preview of your app in the IDE. If you have a virtual or physical device connected, you can also run the app on your device.
Now you can push your changes to your feature/setup-project branch with a clear commit message and create a pull request to merge your branch into the develop branch. Don't forget to add your buddy as a reviewer! 🕵️
We want to work as efficient as possible. Therefore we use the Agile way of working. We created our custom Agile Bible where we describe how we work the Agile way.
The Agile Bible contains all the information you need to know about how we work the Agile way. (Work in Progress) Take your time to read it and ask questions if you have any.
Some key subjects:
Start creating some UI components and a screen to show them on. Starting with the landing screen where we can register or log in. We always name our branches to the Jira ticket. The first ticket we will work on is OB-1. Create a new branch called feature/ob-1--landing-screen
Note that you can see the preview when clicking on the button in the top right corner of the IDE.
fun ButtonsPreview() {
AppTheme {
modifier = Modifier
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(Spacing.medium)
) {
text = "Primary",
) {}
object Buttons {
fun Primary(
text: String,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
onClick: () -> Unit
) {
modifier = modifier,
shape = RoundedCornerShape(5.dp),
colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(
containerColor = Color.PeriWinkel,
contentColor = Color.Black
onClick = onClick
) {
Text(text = text)
first off we create the object Buttons. This is a container for all our buttons. We do this so we can easily find all our buttons in the project. Then we create a composable function for each button. This way we can easily reuse the buttons in our project. The Primary Button has 3 parameters:
The text and onClick parameters speak for themselves. The modifier is a bit more complicated. It's a way to add styling to our button like positioning, padding etc..., but more about this later.
Make sure to check the modifiers we use here. The fillMaxWidth
modifier makes sure the button takes up the full width of the screen. The background
modifier makes sure the background color is the same as the background color of the app. The padding
modifier makes sure there is some space between the buttons. The verticalArrangement
makes sure the buttons are spaced out vertically.
Color.SanJuan.copy(alpha = ...)
.The task manager is seen as 2 Epics, onboarding and todo's. create a new package com.wiselab.«name».feature. Also create a new package called onboarding in the feature package. The full path should be com.wiselab.«name».feature.onboarding. In this package create a new package called landing for the landing screen. The full path should be com.wiselab.«name».feature.onboarding.landing.
fun LandingLayout() {
Scaffold {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = Spacing.medium)
) {
Buttons.Primary(text = "Create an account", Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {}
text = "Log in",
.padding(bottom = 58.dp)
) {}
We use the fillMaxWidth modifier to make sure the buttons take up the full width of the screen. We use the wrapContentHeight modifier to make sure the column is only as high as it's content. We use the padding modifier to add some space between the buttons and the edge of the screen. and padding under the secondary button.
Some explanation about Scaffold : The Scaffold is a Composable that implements the basic material design visual layout. It has a top bar, bottom bar and a floating action button. We will be using this a lot in our projects. It is like a structured container for our screen. At This moment the Scaffold is still experimental, that's why we need to add the @OptIn(ExperimentalMaterial3Api::class)
fun LandingLayout() {
Scaffold { contentPadding ->
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = Spacing.medium)
) {
Buttons.Primary(text = "Create an account", Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {}
text = "Log in",
.padding(bottom = 58.dp)
) {}
Note that the Scaffold padding is always the first padding that is applied. A modifier is always applied from top to bottom.
fun LandingScreen() {
fun LandingLayout() {
Scaffold { contentPadding ->
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = Spacing.medium)
) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.weight(1f))
Buttons.Primary(text = "Create an account", Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {}
text = "Log in",
.padding(bottom = 58.dp)
) {}
The spacer will take up all the available space and push the buttons to the bottom. The ** weight** modifier is used to make sure the spacer takes up all the available space.
Let's add navigation to our app. We will use the raamcosta compose destinations library for this. This library is a wrapper around the navigation component. It makes it easier to use the navigation component with compose. It also adds some nice features like animations and deep linking. We already added the dependency in the setup of the project.
import com.ramcosta.composedestinations.annotation.NavGraph
import com.ramcosta.composedestinations.annotation.RootNavGraph
@RootNavGraph(start = true)
annotation class OnboardingNavGraph(
val start: Boolean = false
and @OnboardingNavGraph(start = true)
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
AppTheme {
val navController = rememberNavController()
Scaffold { paddingValues ->
modifier = Modifier
) {
navGraph = NavGraphs.onboarding,
navController = navController
In the top right of your IDE you can select the device you want to run your app on. Select a device and run the app configuration. If you can't find it, try clicking the arrow down to see all configurations like this:
You should see the landing screen now! 🙌🏻 Don't forget to commit an push your changes with a proper commit message including the ticket number!
Now that you know how to make your first screen, we can start working with states. To work with states we first need to understand how Composable functions work.
A basic Composable function with no parameters will never change how it is drawn. This implies that the view is never redrawn, unless the parent Composable function is redrawn. When a Composable function is redrawn, it is called recomposition. One way to trigger recomposition is triggered is when a Composable function is called with different parameters. For instance if we have a Composable function that takes a String as a parameter, and we call it with the String "Hello World", and then we call it again with the String "Hello Wisemen", the Composable function will be recomposed. If we want to trigger recomposition without changing the parameters, to add increased functionality, we need to use state.
A State is a way to store data in a Composable function. When the state changes, the Composable function is recomposed. A basic way to create a state is:
var state by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello World") }
Here we created a state that holds a String. The state is initialized with the value "Hello World". The state is mutable, which triggers recomposition of the views using this value as parameter. The remember function is used to make sure the state is not recreated every time the Composable function is recomposed. This is important because if the state is recreated, the value is reset to the initial value.
The best way to learn how to work with states is to work with a TextField
. Like we did for the buttons, we will create a new file called ** EditText.kt**. Here you can create your basic edit texts that can be reused in the future. Create a basic EditText like this:
fun EditText(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
var input = ""
value = input,
onValueChange = { input = it },
modifier = modifier
When you run this preview and try to type in this textField, you see that nothing happens. This is because the parameters of the EditText are never changed and the composable function is not smart enough to know that the input variable is changed. To fix this we need to use state. Change the EditText to this:
fun EditText(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
var input by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
value = input,
onValueChange = { input = it },
modifier = modifier
Now when you run the preview and type in the TextField, you see that the text is updated. This is because the state is changed and the Composable function is recomposed. IT LIVES 🎉
When working with states, it is important to keep your Composable functions stateless as much as possible. As mentioned earlier, a Composable function is recomposed when the state changes. If your UI gets more complex, and you use more function hierarchies with all their different states, it can become hard to keep track of all the states. And also it can lead to unwanted recompositions an because of that a bad performance. This also breaks the "single source of responsibility" principle which can lead to bug-prone code. To prevent this, we can use state hoisting. State hoisting is a way to move the state to the parent Composable function.
Let's improve our EditText with state hoisting so it follows this principle.
fun EditText(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
input: String,
onInputChanged: (String) -> Unit
) {
value = input,
onValueChange = onInputChanged,
modifier = modifier
fun ComposableUsingEditText() {
var input by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
input = input,
onInputChanged = { input = it }
Now the EditText is stateless and the state is hoisted to the parent Composable function. If you do this for all your Composable functions, you will have a better performance and bugs will be easier to find.
Now that you know how to style your Composables and how to work with states, you can finish the component library.
Keep these principles in mind:
After you are finished, make a new PR and ask your buddy to review it. 🚀
Before we start building our screens, we need to understand how we structure our screens and how we use MVVM. More complex screens that need to fetch data from the backend or database and manipulate it, need to be structured in a way that is easy to understand and maintain.
MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel. It consists of three parts:
As mentioned above, this is the class that holds the logic of the screen. Since we want to keep the data manipulation and the UI separate, we have some rules for the communication between the ViewModel and the View.
Lets look at the image below to see the whole picture of the communication between the View and the ViewModel.
We know, the whole picture is a little overwhelming. But don't worry, we will go through it step by step.
For naming, keep in mind, all these classes work in tandem to create a screen. So we will name them after the screen they are used in. For instance if we create a login screen, we will have a LoginScreen, LoginViewModel, LoginUiState, LoginActions and so on.
Here we have the View layer of our screen. This consist of at least 3 composable functions with their own responsibilities: Screen, Layout and Preview
fun Screen(
navController: NavController,
viewModel: ViewModel = koinViewModel()
) {
// Collect data from the ViewModel to populate the layout
val uiState by viewModel.uiState.collectAsState()
// Establish links between UI events and the navController
LaunchedEffect(viewModel) {
viewModel.eventFlow.collect { event: UiEvent ->
when (event) {
is UiEvent.NavigateToNext -> navController.navigate(NextDestination)
is UiEvent.ShowDialog -> // show dialog
// Link the uiState and action handler to the layout
state = uiState,
onAction = viewModel::onAction,
The Screen
function is a crucial part of your UI layer (View) in Jetpack Compose. It serves as the entry point for rendering your screen's content. Here are the key aspects of this function:
: The navigation controller used for navigating between screens.ViewModel
: An instance of the ViewModel associated with this screen. We use the dependency injection library Koin to inject the ViewModel.navController
fun Layout(
state: UiState,
onAction: (Action) -> Unit
) {
// Layout components
The Layout
function is responsible for defining the structure of your screen's layout. It plays a central role in rendering the UI. Here's what you need to know about it:
state: UiState
: Represents the current state of the screen's UI.onAction: (Action) -> Unit
: A function used to handle UI actions.state
fun Preview() {
AppTheme {
state = UiState(),
onAction = {}
The Preview
function provides a simple, placeholder implementation of the Layout
with a default state. It's useful for previewing your layout during development.
The ViewModel
class is a critical component in managing the state and behavior of your UI.
class ViewModel(
private val repository: Repository,
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ViewModel() {
// Extracts navigation arguments from the SavedStateHandle to receive data from the previous screen
private val args = savedStateHandle.navArgs<NavArgs>()
// The single source of the truth for the UI state
var state by mutableStateOf(UiState())
// The setter is private to prevent external modification
private set
// A channel for sending events to the UI
private val eventChannel = Channel<UiEvent>()
// The channel is exposed as a flow to expose a read-only interface
val eventFlow = eventChannel.receiveAsFlow()
// The entry point for UI actions to be handled by the ViewModel
fun onAction(action: Action) {
when (action) {
is Action.OnNextClicked -> eventChannel.trySend(UiEvent.NavigateToNext)
is Action.OnTextChanged -> state = state.copy(text = action.text)
is Action.Save -> repository.save(state.text)
via Koin.savedStateHandle
: An instance of SavedStateHandle
is injected via Koin, allowing for the preservation of UI state during configuration changes.SavedStateHandle
to facilitate data exchange between screens during navigation.eventFlow
to collect navigation events triggered by the ViewModel.data class UiState(
val text: String = "",
val isLoading: Boolean = false,
val error: String = "",
represents the current and immutable state of the screen.sealed class UiEvent {
object NavigateToNext : UiEvent()
data class ShowDialog(val message: String) : UiEvent()
represents various types of events that need to be handled at the View layer.sealed class Action {
object OnNextClicked : Action()
data class OnTextChanged(val text: String) : Action()
object Save : Action()
represents user-initiated actions from the UI layer.data class NavArgs(
val id: String = "-1"
is a typed class that holds data passed between screens during navigation.SavedStateHandle
within the ViewModel.Time to create the login screen! 🎉
You should be able to create the screen yourself now. If you need help, you can always look at the previous screens and components. Make sure you create a new package called login in the onboarding package. The full path should be com.wiselab.«name».feature.onboarding.login.
Create a new Kotlin file called LoginViewModel in the login package.
class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel()
Create a new Kotlin file called LoginUiState in the login package. Here you place the data that is needed to draw the screen. This is the data that is passed from the ViewModel to the View.
data class LoginUiState (
val email: String = "",
val password: String = "",
val isPasswordVisible:Boolean = false
class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel() {
var state by mutableStateOf(LoginUiState())
private set
Create a new Kotlin file called LoginUiAction in the login package. Here you place the actions that can be triggered from the View. This is the data that is passed from the View to the ViewModel.
sealed class LoginUiAction {
data object OnLoginClicked : LoginUiAction()
data object OnRegisterClicked : LoginUiAction()
data object OnForgotPasswordClicked : LoginUiAction()
data object OnPasswordVisibilityClicked : LoginUiAction()
data class OnEmailChanged(val email: String) : LoginUiAction()
data class OnPasswordChanged(val password: String) : LoginUiAction()
A sealed class is a class that can only be extended in the same file. This means that we can only use these actions in the Login screen.
class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel() {
var state by mutableStateOf(LoginUiState())
private set
fun onAction(action: LoginUiAction) {
when (action) {
is LoginUiAction.OnLoginClicked -> {}
is LoginUiAction.OnRegisterClicked -> {}
is LoginUiAction.OnForgotPasswordClicked -> {}
is LoginUiAction.OnPasswordVisibilityClicked -> {}
is LoginUiAction.OnEmailChanged -> state = state.copy(email = action.value)
is LoginUiAction.OnPasswordChanged -> {}
The onEmailChanged
action is given as an example. The other actions you have to fill in yourself in a couple of moments.
Before we can use the viewModel in the Layout, we need to add it to the app module. Open the appModule.kt file in the di package. Add the following code to the file:
val appModule = module {
viewModel { LoginViewModel() }
viewModel: LoginViewModel = koinViewModel()
parameter to the Screen composable function.state: LoginUiState
onAction: (LoginUiAction) -> Unit = {}
fun LoginScreen(
viewModel: LoginViewModel = koinViewModel()
) {
state = viewModel.state,
onAction = viewModel::onAction
composable: onInputChange = { onAction(LoginUiAction.EmailChanged(it)) }
function to trigger the actions in the ViewModel.onClickIcon
parameter of the EditText
composable.Now we need to add the events to the ViewModel.
sealed class LoginUiEvent {
data object Back : LoginUiEvent()
data object NavigateToRegister : LoginUiEvent()
data object NavigateToForgotPassword : LoginUiEvent()
for this. Add the following code to the LoginViewModel:class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel() {
var state by mutableStateOf(LoginUiState())
private set
private val eventChannel = Channel<LoginUiEvent>()
val eventFlow = eventChannel.receiveAsFlow()
fun onAction(action: LoginUiAction) {
when (action) {
is LoginUiAction.OnLoginClicked -> {}
is LoginUiAction.OnRegisterClicked -> eventChannel.trySend(LoginUiEvent.NavigateToRegister)
is LoginUiAction.OnForgotPasswordClicked -> eventChannel.trySend(LoginUiEvent.NavigateToForgotPassword)
is LoginUiAction.OnPasswordVisibilityClicked -> {}
is LoginUiAction.OnEmailChanged -> state = state.copy(email = action.value)
is LoginUiAction.OnPasswordChanged -> {}
in the LoginScreen composable. Add the following code to the LoginScreen composable:@Composable
fun LoginScreen(
navController: NavController,
viewModel: LoginViewModel = koinViewModel()
) {
state = viewModel.state,
onAction = viewModel::onAction
LaunchedEffect(viewModel) {
viewModel.eventFlow.collect { event: LoginUiEvent ->
when (event) {
is LoginUiEvent.Back -> navController.popBackStack()
is LoginUiEvent.NavigateToRegister -> {} //navController.navigate(RegisterScreenDestination) as example when the RegisterScreen is created
is LoginUiEvent.NavigateToForgotPassword -> {}
Now you're set to add actions and events to your LandingScreen
composable to fix the navigation. Don't forget to commit and push your changes. Create a pull request so your code can be reviewed! 🙌🏻
Let's start adding some data. The Api Documentation can be found here. username: appwise
password: password
This is the endpoint that will be used: https://onboarding-todo-api.development.appwi.se
We use Room for our local database. Room is an abstraction layer over SQLite. It makes it easier to work with SQLite. We use Retrofit for our network calls. Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
Create a new package called com.wiselab.«name».data. This is where we will put all our data related classes. In this package create a new package called com.wiselab.«name».data.database.
entities = [],
version = 1,
exportSchema = false
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
companion object {
const val DATABASE_NAME = "todoApp.db"
flavorDimensions += "env"
productFlavors {
create("dev") {
buildConfigField("String", "API_HOST", "\"https://onboarding-todo-api.development.appwi.se/\"")
buildConfigField("String", "API_CLIENT_ID", "\"\"")
buildConfigField("String", "API_CLIENT_SECRET", "\"\"")
dimension = "env"
applicationIdSuffix = ".dev"
versionNameSuffix = "-dev"
The product flavours are used to create different versions of the app. We will use this to create a development version of the app. The development version will use the development API. In production apps we also include versions for staging and production. This way we can test the app on different environments. Make sure to build the project after adding the product flavours. This way the BuildConfig will be generated.
:private fun initNetworking() {
.setApiVersion("1").apply {
if (isProxymanEnabled()) {
registerProxymanService(context = this@App)
This is where we initialise the Networking module. We use the Networking.Builder
to create a new instance of the Networking
class. Call this function from the onCreate()
function of the app class.
class ProtectedClient(private val unprotectedClient: UnprotectedClient) : BaseRestClient() {
override val protectedClient = true
override fun getBaseUrl() = BuildConfig.API_HOST
override fun enableProxyManInterceptor() = true
class UnProtectedClient : BaseRestClient() {
override val protectedClient = false
override fun getBaseUrl() = BuildConfig.API_HOST
override fun enableProxyManInterceptor() = true
We are going to create the service that will be used for api token management. This service will be used to get the api token and refresh it when it's expired.
interface AuthService : BaseService {
//OAuth token
fun loginWithPassword(
@Field(NetworkConstants.KEY_GRANT_TYPE) grantType: String,
@Field(NetworkConstants.KEY_CLIENT_ID) clientId: String,
@Field(NetworkConstants.KEY_CLIENT_SECRET) client_secret: String,
@Field("username") username: String,
@Field("password") code: String,
@Field("scope") scopeRead: String = "read write"
): Call<AccessToken>
//OAuth Refresh Token
fun refreshToken(
@Field(NetworkConstants.KEY_GRANT_TYPE) grantType: String,
@Field(NetworkConstants.KEY_CLIENT_ID) clientId: String,
@Field(NetworkConstants.KEY_CLIENT_SECRET) client_secret: String,
@Field(NetworkConstants.FIELD_IDENTIFIER_REFRESH_TOKEN) refreshToken: String
): Call<AccessToken>
Here we define the endpoints that we will use to get the api token and refresh it when it's expired. The fields that are used in the endpoints are defined in the NetworkConstants class.
We are going to create the repository that will be used to get the api token and refresh it when it's expired.
interface AuthRepo : BaseRepository {
suspend fun login(email: String, password: String)
We create this interface so we can use it in the AuthRepoImpl class. This way we can use dependency injection to inject the AuthRepo interface where needed. You also see we make use of a suspend function. This is because we will make asynchronous calls to the api. We will use coroutines to make these calls. Coroutines are a Kotlin feature that convert async callbacks for long-running tasks, such as database or network access, into sequential code. It's a bit more advanced so we won't go into detail here. You can read more about it in the documentation.
class AuthRepoImpl(
private val db: AppDatabase,
private val protectedClient: ProtectedClient,
private val unprotectedClient: UnprotectedClient
) : AuthRepo {
override suspend fun login(email: String, password: String) {
val accessToken = doCall(
As parameters we pass the AppDatabase, ProtectedClient and UnprotectedClient. We use the UnprotectedClient to get the AuthService service. We use this service to get the api token. We use the ProtectedClient to save the api token in the Networking class. Make sure to take a look at the doCall()
function that is used to make the api call. This function is defined in the BaseRepository class.
Hawk is secure, simple key-value storage for Android. It's encrypted and it's easy to use. We will use it to store some values.
object HawkManager {
private const val CURRENT_USER = "current_user"
var currentUserId: String by HawkValueDelegate(CURRENT_USER, defaultValue = "")
Here we define the keys that we will use to store values in Hawk. We also define the default values for the values that we store in Hawk.
Let's implement the userInfo
endpoint. This endpoint will return the user info of the logged in user.
import androidx.room.Entity
import androidx.room.PrimaryKey
import be.appwise.room.BaseEntity
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName
import org.joda.time.DateTime
@Entity(tableName = User.USER_TABLE_NAME)
data class User(
override val id: String,
val createdAt: DateTime? = DateTime(),
val updatedAt: DateTime? = DateTime(),
val email: String? = "",
val firstName: String? = "",
val lastName: String? = "",
val role: UserRole? = UserRole.USER
) : BaseEntity {
companion object {
const val USER_TABLE_NAME = "user"
We will give the user
class as an example. The entity annotation is used to tell Room that this is an entity.
parameter is used to define the name of the table in the database.id
parameter is used to define the primary key of the table.BaseEntity
interface is used to make sure that all entities have an id.Now we have created our first Entity. We will use this entity to store the data that we get from the api. But first add this entity to the AppDatabase class in the annotation:
entities = [
version = 1,
exportSchema = false
) {}
fun userInfo(): Call<User>
and implement it in the AuthRepoImpl class:override suspend fun userInfo() {
doCall(protectedClient.getService<AuthService>().userInfo()).also {
HawkManager.currentUserId = it.id
A dao is used to access the database. We will create a dao for the User
import androidx.room.Dao
import be.appwise.room.BaseRoomDao
import com.wiselab.onboarding_compose.data.entity.User
abstract class UserDao : BaseRoomDao<User>(User.USER_TABLE_NAME)
entities = [
version = 1,
exportSchema = false
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
companion object {
const val DATABASE_NAME = "todoApp.db"
abstract fun userDao(): UserDao
call into our database. This is done by adding the insert line to the userInfo()
call:override suspend fun userInfo() {
doCall(protectedClient.getService<AuthService>().userInfo()).also {
HawkManager.currentUserId = it.id
You already added the login()
function to the AuthRepo interface. Add the userInfo()
function to the login function like this:
override suspend fun login(email: String, password: String) {
val accessToken = doCall(
This way we will get the user info stored in the database after we logged in.
and add the authRepo
as a parameter to the constructor.val appModule = module {
single {
single { UnprotectedClient() }
single { ProtectedClient(get()) }
single<AuthRepo> { AuthRepoImpl(get(), get(), get()) }
viewModel { LoginViewModel() }
Let's explain what we are doing. We are creating singletons of the AppDatabase
, UnprotectedClient
, ProtectedClient
and AuthRepoImpl
classes. This is needed because we want to use the same instance of these classes everywhere in the app. We also want to inject the AuthRepoImpl
class in the LoginViewModel
has a dependency on the AppDatabase
, UnprotectedClient
and ProtectedClient
classes. We use the get()
function to get the instance of these classes.LoginViewModel
add a new function called login()
:fun login(email: String, password: String) = launchAndLoad {
authRepo.login(email, password)
This function can be called from the onAction of the LoginViewModel
so we can use it in the LoginScreen
. The launchAndLoad function is a function that is defined in the BaseViewModel
. It's a function that is used to make asynchronous calls.
to the login()
function. This is a function that will be called when the login call succeeds.fun login(email: String, password: String, onSuccess: () -> Unit) = launchAndLoad {
authRepo.login(email, password)
This onSuccess function will be used to navigate to the main screen when the login call succeeds.
Let's create the register functionality. Start by adding a new service called UserService
We do this to keep the calls separated like in the api documentation.
fun register(
@Body userRequest: UserRequest
): Call<User>
This is a @POST call with the endpoint specified in the annotation, it returns a User
object as visible in the documentation. The call expects a body, also visible in the documentation. You can see this is not the same object as a User
object. Therefore we create a new request object called UserRequest
Side note: It's possible you get objects from the api that you don't want as an entity. Something that has to be mapped to an existing entity for example. To solve this we create a package called response in the model package. Here we create the objects that we get from the api. We use these objects to map to our entities.
New Repo
Now you are fully set up to create the rest of the application yourself. Use this codelab as a reference if you need help. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Good luck! 🚀